How to setup and configure Mongo DB on windows 10

Arvind Kumar
3 min readJul 3, 2020


MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL).


Below are the steps to follow —

Download the setup

Go to the link — and follow the path

On Premise >>> MongoDB Community Server >> Download

You will get the setup downloaded on your local machine.

Install it on machine

After double-clicking the installer you’ll get the usual screen -

Follow the steps on the screen and complete the installation. I am putting important screen shots here —

remember to select the complete option from below the screen

keep the default options from below screen —

Below is optional but good to have (if you don’t choose then you have to use the command line to interact with db)—

Now the final install screen, click install

Click OK

After some time you will get the screen —

When you finish the installation, it will ask to restart the machine — restart the machine.

You will get the desktop icon —

Double click it to get the mongoDB GUI

After navigation through the next > next, you’ll get —

Create a new connection by clicking on “connect

Then it’ll give you —

The setup is complete, now you can start using it.

Now you can start adding data in the DB —

Click on the test — it’ll open the collection >> click on the collection name >>

Add Data >> Insert Document

Insert it —

You can change the view from here —

That’s all for the setup!!

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!!Thanks for your time !!

